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A Few Samples

Placeholders / Prototypes


Section Chief of the F.F.F.

Duplicate the effects of your Scenarios. Lead the fifth Firefighter Fairy Force to suppress the fire demons of Titania City, and to uncover the mysterious disappearance of the fourth force.

NGC (F.F.F_edited.jpg

Cybelle and Twine

Experiments on the Run

Control two characters at once. Twine gains abilities based on defeated enemies, but at the risk of going berserk. Cybelle fights alongside to keep the beast's insanity at bay.

NGC (Skyhidea Cybelle)_edited.jpg


Witch of the Riftabyss

In order to save her granddaughter, Griselma and her team of magical scientists must dive into the eldritch depths of the Riftabyss, where occult beasts lay in wait. Control these beasts before the darkness controls you.

NGC (Griselma)_edited_edited.jpg
Snowy Weather

The Shreddlord

Double Trouble Mastermind

Live on the edge; losing life only means winning harder.

Control the two skate gangs from the shadows in order to gain control of Double Trouble Skate Park.

NGC (Double Trouble Zero)_edited.png
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